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Pandemic Accelerated Growth: 5 Ways AGVs and AMRs are an Asset to Your Operations

November 12, 2020
Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are transforming the way manufacturing and distribution centers operate. They are easier than ever to integrate into your operations and are currently seeing a significant boost in adoption.

10 Types of Ancillary Equipment for Industrial Robotic Systems

September 03, 2020
Now, more than ever, companies struggle to staff industrial areas due to the ongoing labor shortage. Robotic systems can accomplish many tasks within an industrial environment, including palletizing, depalletizing, case packing, machine tending, and many other roles.

5 Cobot Applications for Distribution Centers

August 22, 2018
From picking, packing, palletizing and beyond, here are some distribution center applications that can benefit from using cobots, or collaborative robots.

Collaborative Robots Part 1: Pros, Cons, and Applications

November 14, 2017
Once you know the strengths and weaknesses of cobots, where do they make the most sense?  Typically, they're best in applications where they move light products relatively slowly.

Top 10 Things to Know About Robotic Palletizing

February 07, 2017
There are many factors to consider when implementing a robotic palletizer. What goes into creating an efficient and robust palletizer, and what can determine the overall success of your solution? Here are ten important aspects of robotic palletizing systems you should know.

Top 10 Things to Know About Industrial Robots

September 08, 2016
The need to reduce labor cost, improve ergonomics, maximize system efficiency and speed, and improve product quality has never been more vital than right now. Here are ten important aspects of industrial robotic systems you should know. Read: Top 10 Things to Know About Industrial Robots

Leaning on Smart Manufacturing

August 16, 2016
In the modern world of industrial robots and manufacturing, there are many new and innovative ideals being proposed as guidelines to streamline the mechanisms cranking out the incredible magnitude of products populating our world today. For instance, the Lean Manufacturing movement.

What’s Old is New Again: The Many Uses for Used Robots

November 24, 2014
The modern-day industrial robot is one of the most robust technologies and will generally last for years, even decades. However, as with all good things, they eventually move toward the end of their useful life. When this occurs, a robot-owner is presented with a few options...

Machine Tending: Is It Truly a Robot’s Paradise?

October 16, 2014
Machine tending can be some of the most grueling and hazardous work conditions for an industrial operator, so if you need to increase throughput, it often means a reduction in quality. With the help of industrial robots you can maximize both of these requirements while providing your operators with a safer working environment.
Results: 9 Blog Posts found.


Latest Case Study




Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

